~~~@};-The wedding@};-~~~ You by my side that`s how I see us I close my eyes and I can see us We`ll on our way to say "I do" My secret dreams have all come true I see the church, I see the people Your folks and mine happy and smiling ................. :x倆女兒都有良好歸宿(要求不高)吾至感欣慰~為人父母者最大願望吧! 常[-o<她們平安健康工作順利! ps~~住L.A.ㄉ親家夫婦和吾family現都興奮以待~準備迎接趕搭今年金:o)年列車ㄉ小baby(較好命?:-?) the 1st寶貝小:O)屬ㄉ是~:>已兩歲囉!小辣椒一ㄍ! %%-親家母ㄉ來信(FROM LA) @};-Dear XX, CONGRATULATIONS!!! to you!We are going to be the proud grandparents of a beautiful baby. We are so excited and cannot stop talking about this wonderful news. We hope to see you soon..when will you be coming to LA again.This time we can spend a lot of time together. ............ ................