There are 306 days till 2008. Henry ford’s idea was to have one person be an expert at one production step. Therefore, as the cars were being assembled, one person would do his one job over and over every day. It was perhaps boring for the worker, but it was a much more efficient means of production. It also meant all parts of the car should be uniformly made, because no time could be spent making minor changes to a part so that it would fit on a car. Thus Henry Ford became the father of assembly-line production.:)>- @};- 我們女生都是愛漂亮的, 尤其是「麥露」一族的, 更愛漂亮, 所以我們才會說醜女多作怪. 我就是「麥露」一族的, 所以我今天發功作怪了, 我去「電睫毛」, 不是「電頭毛」而是「電睫毛」. 我的睫毛長是長, 可是不濃密.燙完之後, 有比較翹一點, 可是看起來怪怪的, 不是很習慣. 希望我的睫毛趕快長長, 恢復他原本的樣子…「228電睫毛事件」:))