Fleur Merlingeas: 禮拜六一下班從我家開始騎。到新竹自坐火車上來台北火車站。然後騎到比賽的地方。 所以我帶背包跟我大台照相機。I had a 7 km back pack to carry by myself so I stopped every time I wanted to take pictures ^_^. 不過我好多次停下來拍照。我的時間 5h5。X) 一個人去感覺真的不一樣。比賽完我騎回去台北市。騎單車逛一逛。買好吃的東西送給我男友。我坐火車回到新竹。從新竹騎單車回家。
James :哇!妳,好厲害!
Fleur Merlingeas
But it is different you know. I am not lucky enough to have a partner that loves sport.
Indeed he loves studying so to share time together it is limited to having lunch or diner together.
Life is made of compromi⋯⋯ses so to love your partner better you must accept all his sides what you love about her and what you like less.
It is a great challenge and that is why living in couple is great.
For both good and bad time. Because as a sport person you know that you sometimes have to endure pain in order to make everyone happy and so be happy yourself.