臨床心理學家 Meg Jay 提供二十歲的新世代年輕人一則大膽的訊息:不同於一般觀點,你的二十歲人生並非無足輕重的十年。Jay在這場引人入勝的演講中說,儘管婚姻、工作及孩子是之後的事,不代表你不能現在就開始規劃。她提出三項建議,告訴二十多歲的年輕人該如何掌握人生中決定性的十年。
In her book "The Defining Decade," Meg Jay suggests that many twentysomethings feel trivialized during what is actually the most transformative — and defining — period of our adult lives. Full bio »
Translated into Chinese, Traditional by illusion Hung
Reviewed by Ada Wang
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