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篇名: [MV]娜女神4 Minute
作者: 【茶靡】 日期: 2008.04.04  天氣:  心情:

Madonna Feat. Justin Timberlake - 4 Minutes

距離上一張舞曲non-stop專輯「舞池大告解Confessions on a Dance Floor」之後,娜女神相隔2年半,再度現出新專輯,並請了當紅製作人Timbaland抬轎,看來是從歐式舞曲跨入嘻哈舞曲的範疇。首支單曲「4分鐘護一生 4 Minutes」找來在美國呼風喚雨的Justin小弟合唱,可看出這女人對於自己專輯只在歐陸賣翻感到不甘心,她除了要通殺英國、歐洲佬外,更要再次站上美國樂壇的頂峰。

初次聽「4 Minutes」,覺得很「妙」,前奏吵的像歌仔戲,Bass與喇叭齊鳴,節奏性強,還配上如同男孩團體的catchy副歌「We only got 4 minutes to save the world...」,實在是屌。這畢竟是廢話,女王每次出巡,總是能帶來讓子民驚奇的東西。

由Jonas and François執導的MV,運鏡流暢帶出時尚感,黑色晶體的視覺特效有內在意涵,似乎是表達時間的吞噬。讓人納悶的是,這次為何要穿肉色內衣,若之前的粉紅色韻律褲代表復古disco,那這次的肉色內衣難道是懷念50年代肉色衛生衣的浪潮。

我原先期待雙人舞的部份佔的比重更重,並且有像Hung Up系列的群舞,但這次的舞蹈,似乎僅限母子兩人自high。沒關係,HIGH就好。

Timbaland:I’m out of time
And all I got is 4 minutes, 4 minutes

Madonna: Come on boy, I’ve been waiting for somebody to pick up my stroll
Justin: Well don’t waste time, give me a sign, tell me how you wanna roll
Madonna: I want somebody to speed it up for me then take it down slow
There’s enough room for both
Justin: Girl, I can handle that, you just gotta show me where it’s at.
Are you ready to go, Are you ready to go

Madonna and Justin:
If you want it, You already got it
If you’ve thought it, It better be what you want
If you feel it, It must be real just…
Say the word, and I will give you what you want

Madonna: Time is waiting
Justin: We only got 4 minutes to save the world
Madonna: No hesitating
Madonna: Grab a boy
Justin: Grab a girl
Madonna: Time is waiting
Justin: We only got 4 minutes to save the world
Madonna: No hesitating
Justin: We only got 4 minutes, 4 minutes

Keep it up …..
You gotta get in line, hop
Tick tock tick tock tick tock
That’s right, keep it up
Keep it up, don’t….
Madonna, uh
You gotta get in line, hop
Tick tock tick tock tick tock

Madonna: Sometimes I think, what I need is a you intervention, yeah
Justin: And you know I can tell that you like it
And that it’s good, by the way that you move, ooh, hey hey
Madonna: The road to heaven, paved with good intentions, yeah
Justin: But if I got a night
At least I can say I did what I wanted to do
Tell me, how bout you?

Madonna and Justin:
If you want it, You already got it
If you’ve thought it, It better be what you want
If you feel it, It must be real just…
Say the word, and I will give you what you want

Madonna: Time is waiting
Justin: We only got 4 minutes to save the world
Madonna: No hesitating
Madonna: Grab a boy
Justin: Grab a girl
Madonna: Time is waiting
Justin: We only got 4 minutes to save the world
Madonna: No hesitating
Justin: We only got 4 minutes, 4 minutes

Keep it up …..
You gotta get in line, hop
Tick tock tick tock tick tock
That’s right, keep it up
Keep it up, don’t….
Madonna, uh
You gotta get in line, hop
Tick tock tick tock tick tock

Timbaland: Breakdown


Madonna - Jump

去年11月發行的『Confessions on a Dance Floor』專輯當中第四支單曲「Jump」,配合台灣本週新上片的電影「穿著Prada的惡魔」(The Devil Wears Prada)正瘋狂強打中。正面積極的歌詞,芭樂且記憶點超強的副歌旋律,帶點放克的拍點,是我初聽『Confessions on a Dance Floor』時最愛的一首,她唱的極富Power,根本聽不出來這女人已經步入中年。

新MV中的娜姐剪了短髮,染成金白色,乍看之下真有點俗氣,但Madonna可是個引領潮流的女人,這種日式的復古造型,說不定會帶動流行。整支MV可說是非常的簡單,Madonna一個人在黑色雙槓前自HIGH,跳拳擊有氧,背景是日本風味的招牌(妳也太鍾愛日本人了吧 ><"),畫面切換像企業戰士跳上跳下的極限舞者。

我原本以整張專輯的MV都是有連慣性的,因為『Confessions on a Dance Floor』的歌曲是相互連貫的Non-stop曲序,歌與歌之間沒有停頓且彼此連續。結果只有前兩首「Hung Up」跟「Sorry」是有故事性串聯,到了第三首的「Get Together」,竟然弄個電腦動畫演唱會版,讓人整個傻眼,不過搭配這首相當歐陸的舞曲,整體感覺還算流暢,但就是有種不甘心的小小怨憾。可想而知,這支新MV的出現,可是讓人相當的雀躍啊。


Madonna - Hang Up

接續攻陷全球舞場單曲Hung Up的劇情,除了繼續跳復古舞步以外,還加入金萬年冰宮溜冰的畫面,真是懷舊到不行。配上鬼打牆ㄧ般的I've heard it all before... I've heard it all before....I've heard it all before ..... ...又是ㄧ首舞場經典啊。如果我在小巨蛋溜冰的時候聽到這首歌,應該會high翻天吧。


Madonna - Sorry

接續攻陷全球舞場單曲Hung Up的劇情,除了繼續跳復古舞步以外,還加入金萬年冰宮溜冰的畫面,真是懷舊到不行。配上鬼打牆ㄧ般的I've heard it all before... I've heard it all before....I've heard it all before ..... ...又是ㄧ首舞場經典啊。如果我在小巨蛋溜冰的時候聽到這首歌,應該會high翻天吧。

瀏覽次數:93    人氣指數:3853    累積鼓勵:188
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[新情]撞球場心酸 《前一篇 回她的日記本 後一篇》 [新情]書..真是好物押!
時間:2008-04-09 21:27
她, 40歲,台中市,服務
時間:2008-04-07 21:15
她, 50歲,花蓮縣,服務
