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篇名: [介紹]Kanye West
作者: 【茶靡】 日期: 2008.01.25  天氣:  心情:

Kanye West(肯伊威斯特) - Graduation(畢業特典)


…畢業不等於失業 他的音樂當家做主…

●嘻哈光明不滅 肯伊精琢鑽石神話 ~ 校園玩樂三部曲畢業作

●設計LV櫻花包/櫻桃包的日本普普藝術界御宅族之神~村上隆擔任專輯藝術總監+天團Coldplay靈魂人物Chris Martin客座幫腔

赤裸揭示社會底層的街頭饒舌之聲,仍脫離不了與鹹濕情色、槍枝暴力、菸酒毒品、種族歧視等相關字眼,然而許多肩扛抱負的音樂人,無不希望突破障礙,在流行包袱下,也能呈現個性鮮明的玩樂態度,Kanye West就是這麼一位劃時代的先驅,於短時間內成為極具影響力的全方位才子,除了能不走偏鋒地將實驗性的音樂概念呈現之外,令人難以忘懷的還有他在紐奧良賑災時公開譴責美國總統布希不關心黑人的社會關懷之情;他在短短兩年間抱走六座葛萊美大獎,從饒舌天王Jay-Z、Pharrell到街頭狠將Nas、The Game,直至流行區塊瑪麗亞凱莉、亞瑟小子甚至跨界搖滾領域Fall Out Boy…等藝人單曲,都在Kanye West的操盤製作下,寫出場場漂亮戰績。

2004年端出校園系列首部曲《The College Dropout遠離校園》,全球銷售大破三百五十萬張,登上全美節奏藍調/嘻哈榜冠軍+流行專輯榜亞軍,贏得葛萊美獎「最佳饒舌專輯」肯定,入籍滾石雜誌與The Village Voice「年度最佳專輯」、Spin雜誌「年度40張最佳專輯」冠軍、選進Pitchfork「2000-2004年間最佳專輯」第50名、時代雜誌挑入「史上百大專輯」行列。大獲全勝的Kanye翌年問世第二樂章《Late Registration遲來的註冊》,譜出全球銷售兩百八十萬張紀錄,美國發行首週便衝出九十萬張驚人數字佔據冠軍寶座,再添一座葛萊美「最佳饒舌專輯」,滾石雜誌給予「年度最佳專輯」好評。 

校園最終回畢業作《Graduation》,除了昭示Kanye概念玩樂三部曲暫告一段落,更別出心裁請到設計LV「櫻花包」、「櫻桃包」,日本普普藝術界御宅族之神Takashi Murakami/村上隆擔任專輯藝術總監。除了Kanye扛起大部分的製作之責外,並邀來DJ Premier(傑斯、史奴比狗狗)、DJ Toomp(T.I.、Ludacris)、Jon Brion(Dido、Fiona Apple)等人聯袂參與。首攻作<Can't Tell Me Nothing>,擷取南岸饒舌高手Young Jeezy之<I Got Money>,演唱部份則引薦澳洲舞曲團體Sneaky Sound System的Connie Mitchell熱情獻聲,登上節奏藍調/嘻哈單曲榜Top16;第二波單曲<Stronger>,取樣法國浩室二人組Daft Punk暢銷作<Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger>,熱辣電子頻率淋入,夾帶濃厚Funky節拍,已飆進全美流行榜Top5,挺入英國單曲+下載榜雙冠軍;切入麥可傑克森經典曲<P.Y.T.>的<Good Life>,情商很有R Kelly準接班人架式的T-Pain精彩助陣演出;Neo-Soul美聲才子Dwele,替冰冷強烈復古電子合成聲效組合出的<Flashing Lights>,加溫出強烈生命力;就連英國天團Coldplay靈魂人物Chris Martin都前來幫腔於<Homecoming>之中。富有靈性且不失詼諧幽默的調調,Kanye展現出革新精神的決心,在他眼中你將看不到音樂的既定框架限制。

1. Good Morning 早安
2. Champion 冠軍
3. Stronger 更強
4. I Wonder 我懷疑
5. Good Life - feat. T. Pain 好命人(阿肯子弟兵-提潘快嘴饒舌助興)
6. Can’t Tell Me Nothing 說不出口
7. Barry Bonds - feat. Lil Wayne 貝瑞•邦茲(街頭冠軍壞男孩-小韋恩跨刀向全壘打王貝瑞•邦茲致敬單曲)
8. Drunk And Hot Girls - feat. Mos Def 酒醉辣妹(嘻哈創作達人-摩斯戴夫迷幻助興演出)
9. Flashing Lights - feat. Dwele 閃光燈(Neo-Soul美聲才子杜爾復古流行贊助)
10. Everything I Am - feat. Scratches by DJ Premiere 這樣的我(黑眼豆豆製作人DJ Premiere展現精湛刮碟技巧)
11. The Glory 傳說
12. Homecoming - feat. Chris Martin 回家(Coldplay主唱Chris Martin美聲參與)
13. Big Brother 大哥哥

9. Flashing Lights - feat. Dwele 閃光燈(Neo-Soul美聲才子杜爾復古流行贊助)


Flashing lights, lights
Flashing lights, lights
Flashing lights, lights
Flashing lights, lights

[Kanye West]
She don't believe in shootin' stars,
but she believe in shoes & cars
Wood floors in the new apartment,
couture from the store's department
You more like L'eau de Stardee shit,
I'm more of the, trips to Florida
Order the h'orderves, views of the Water
Straight from the page of your favorite author
And the weather so breezy,
man why can't life always be this easy
She in the mirror dancing so sleazy,
I get a call like where are you Yeezy
Try to hit you with a 'Oeur de Whopee'
Till I get flashed by the paparazzi
Damn, these nigga's got me,
I hate these nigga's more than the Nazis

As I recall, I know you love to show off
But I never thought that you would take it this far
What do I know? Flashing lights, lights
What do I know? Flashing lights, lights

[Kanye West]
I know it's been a while,
Sweetheart, we hard-ly talk, I was doing my thing
I know I was foul bay-bay,
a-bay late-ly you been all on my brain,
And if somebody would've told me a month ago
Fronting though, yo I wouldn't wanna know
If somebody would've told me a year ago
it'd go, get this difficult
Feeling like Katrina with no fema
Like Martin with no Gina
Like a flight with no visa
First class with the seat back I still see ya
In my past, you on the other side of the glass
Of my memory's museum,
I'm just saying, Hey Mona Lisa,
come home you know you can't Rome without Caesar

As I recall, I know you love to show off
But I never thought that you would take it this far
What do I know? Flashing lights, lights
What do I know? Flashing lights, lights

As you recall, you know I love to show off
But you never thought that I would take it this far
What do you know? Flashing lights, lights
What do you know? Flashing lights, lights

Flashing lights, lights
Flashing lights, lights

[Fade out]
Lights, lights, lights, lights...

瀏覽次數:103    人氣指數:3883    累積鼓勵:189
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