There are 292 days till 2007 When we love someone special, we give it all we have. As we give all, we lose ourselves. Then, there would no longer be an "I", a "ME" or "MINE", but in its place, there shall be an "US", a "WE" and most importantly, a "YOU"... The more we love, the more we lose ourselves. Our own happiness doesn't matter much, as even if pain sets in, because as long as we see the happiness in her (him) we love, It is all we ask for...we rest, in pain, but joyful that we succeeded...IN LOVING... And so to me, you are everything, you mean more than my own life, because...YOU ARE MY LIFE and I LOVE YOU!!! For Alex, Please always be happy it's all I ask, and this all that I'll ever be. @};- 一份愛裡有一千種盼望,每一個盼望裡有一顆純度百分百的真心,願我們大家在白色情人節裡,都要幸福快樂喔!:x @};- |