有則新聞, 報導越來越多美國人, 因各種不同的原因而放棄美國國籍, 新聞如下:
其中一段, 提到在台灣打職業籃球的璞園隊員 Quincy Davis III
他說, 身為黑人, 在美國南方仍受歧視難有機會, 而在台灣, 人人nice, 他們邀你去家裡作客, 他們是這麼友善大方而溫暖 ..., 沒搶劫, 沒兇殺, 沒槍隻, 你不由自主的就愛上這塊土地:
Sports played the central role in Quincy Davis III's decision. Davis, raised in Los Angeles and Mobile, Ala., played professional basketball in Europe after three years as Tulane University's leading scorer. By 2011, he was home studying to become a firefighter when he was offered a spot on a Taiwanese pro squad. He's since helped lead the Pure Youth Construction team to two championships.
When the team's owner suggested last year that he join Taiwan's national team, Davis says he found little 的motivation to keep his U.S. citizenship.
"When you think about who I am as a black guy in the U.S., I didn't have opportunities," he says. "You get discriminated against over there in the South. Here everyone is so nice. They invite you into their homes, they're so hospitable. ... There's no crime, no guns. I can't help but love this place."
可惜, 他只說對了一部份
君不見在台灣, 深綠的是多麼痛恨那些非綠同胞嗎? 一副恨不得食其肉的仇視模樣, 何來nice, 遑論友善溫暖