40 歲以上的女人~
嘿 !!各位,仔細看,越看越精采喔
這是美國CBS 60 Minutes (六十分鐘 )主持人 Andy Rooney對40 歲以上的女人的看法:
As I grow in age, I value women over 40 most of all.
隨著年齡增長, 我越來越珍惜40 歲以上的女人
Here are just a few reasons why:
為什麼呢 ?
A woman over 40 will never wake you in the middle of the night and ask,
40歲以上的女人 不會 在半夜把你吵醒, 然後問你:
What are you thinking?
你在想什麼 ?
She doesn t care what you think.
她才不在乎你 在想什麼。
If a woman over 40 doesn t want to watch the game,
40 歲以上的女人如果不想看球賽
she doesn t sit around whining about it.
她 不會 坐在你旁邊 抱怨東抱怨西
She does something she wants to do, and it s usually more interesting.
Women over 40 are dignified.
40歲以上的女人 穩重自持
They seldom have a screaming match with you at the opera
or in the middle of an expensive restaurant.
Of course, if you deserve it, they won t hesitate to shoot you
if they think they can get away with it.
一槍把你 給斃了。
Older women are generous with praise, often undeserved.
熟女不吝於讚美 (不管是不是實至名歸 )
They know what it s like to be unappreciated.
Women get psychic as they age.
You never have to confess your sins to a woman over 40.
你永遠不需要向40 歲以上的女人懺悔
Once you get past a wrinkle or two,
只要能夠對 皺紋視而不見
a woman over 40 is far sexier than her younger counterpart.
40 歲以上的女人遠比年輕美眉性感
Older women are forthright and honest.
They ll tell you right off if you are a jerk if you are acting like one.
如果你是蠢蛋 她們會馬上叫你滾蛋
You don t ever have to wonder where you stand with her.
Yes, we praise women over 40 for a multitude of reasons.
40 歲以上的女人有很多優點
Unfortunately, it s not reciprocal.
40歲以上的男人呢 ?
For every stunning, smart, well-coiffed, hot woman over 40,
相對於每一個性感、迷人的40 歲以上的女人
there is a bald, paunchy relic in yellow pants
making a fool of himself with some 20-year old waitress.
厚臉皮地跟小他20 歲的美眉調情
Ladies, I apologize.
For all those men who say,
幫妳們說句公道話 :
Why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free? ,
那些說只想喝免費的牛奶 而不願買頭母牛 回家的男人
here s an update for you.
Nowadays 80% of women are against marriage.
今天有 80%的 女人寧願不結婚
為什麼呢 ?
Because women realize it s not worth just to get a little sausage!
buying an entire pig!!!!
買回整隻 豬!!!!