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篇名: 十二星座裝鬼指數
作者: 到此結束 日期: 2008.09.26  天氣:  心情:
The topic can not do without after reaching the seventh lunar month the good brother each time, number of times discussed 15 is more and more frequent especially close to in July,
Certainly all sorts of extraordinary legends and devil s story are the hottest at this time to herd F, which constellation is it speak spirit story which constellation is it listen to spirit story to love most , the constellation does most easy to frighten to love?
Aries Put 45% of index of spirit
The skill that the white sheep purposelies make a mystery of simple things is not high, iron tooth very too, but it was he that liked leading people to rush in the haunted house most.

Taurus Put 55% of index of spirit
Will not believe the supernatural spirit easily in practical Taurus, but they who are timid are most afraid of listening to others speaking spirit s story .

Gemini Put 89% of index of spirit
Where have haunted house, where s overcast air be most serious, spirit is it listen to legend these right away getting right to look for Gemini to want at the moon, guarantee to exaggerate embellishment to a story and make you scared out of one s wits.

Cancer Put 85% of index of spirit
The courage of Cancer is exceeded small, would rather letter their have insincere their have too as to spirit story, the first frighten reach he while speaking spirit s story usually.

Leo Put 90% of index of spirit
That liked purposelying make a mystery of simple things most is Leo, but it is but totally only people s result for reach pleasing oneself to do so.

Virgo Put 64% of index of spirit
Virgo courage is very small too, it is big he, with the strange haphazard spirit of strength, if you open one s mouth and say that he will turn hostile suddenly with you definitely in spirit s story in the evening to your son definitely in the daytime.

Libra Put 50% of index of spirit
Libra has companions to accompany aside definitely while rushing to listen to spirit s story, he is not timid definitely, be just frightened to let people company too.

Scorpio Put 92% of index of spirit
The terrible eloquence of Scorpio adds the innate mysterious breath to make him become and speak the keeping high of spirit s story, but oneself is seldom frightened to.

Sagittarius Put 34% of index of spirit
Is it purposely make a mystery of simple things frightful Sagittarius to like but bald mallet often, is it amaze by sharp to laugh at to perform screaming.

Goat s seat Put 45% of index of spirit
Don t think that the goat has very calm stand to listen to spirit s story not afraid , in fact have a goat seat half timid that hears this word of spirits to staying .

Aquarius Put 26% of index of spirit
They are listening to spirit s story with the practical attitude, it is not that Ni Kuang s fans regard all spirits as the E.T. , it is known that everybody comes to look for the person having the same habit that cut the member,
Spirit s story has not been analysed by him to be terrible .

Pisces Put 95% of index of spirit
A lot of fairy matchmakers are this constellation, they had exceedingly high abilities and had a skill that purposely make a mystery of simple things and deceive people too, the ones that saw whether you distinguished had come out.

白羊座   裝鬼指數45%

金牛座   裝鬼指數55%

雙子座   裝鬼指數89%

巨蟹座   裝鬼指數85%

獅子座   裝鬼指數90%

處女座   裝鬼指數64%

天秤座   裝鬼指數50%

天蠍座   裝鬼指數92%

射手座   裝鬼指數34%

山羊座   裝鬼指數45%

水瓶座   裝鬼指數26%

雙魚座   裝鬼指數95%

瀏覽次數:97    人氣指數:297    累積鼓勵:10
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