PartyBoy之道 兄弟為你撐腰 Boom~ Yeah~ Boom~Let`s get this Party!Crazy!
你在愛情跌倒 回家讓你撒嬌 Boom ~ Yeah~ Boom ~Let`s get this Party!Baby!
戀愛之道 快找哥們討教 Boom ~ Yeah~ Boom ~Let`s get this Party!Crazy!
萬一你又出包 有我幫你罩 Boom ~ Yeah~ Boom ~ Let`s be the Party boy!
PartyBoy之道 兄弟為你撐腰 Boom~ Yeah~ Boom~Let`s get this Party!Crazy!
你在愛情跌倒 回家讓你撒嬌 Boom ~ Yeah~ Boom ~Let`s get this Party!Baby!
戀愛之道 快找哥們討教 Boom ~ Yeah~ Boom ~Let`s get this Party!Crazy!
萬一你又出包 有我幫你罩 Boom ~ Yeah~ Boom ~ Let`s be the Party boy!
PartyBoy勁道 兄弟一起發飆 Boom~ Yeah~ Boom~Let`s get this Party!Crazy!
義氣就是爆料 我們肝膽相照 Boom ~ Yeah~ Boom ~Let`s get this Party!Baby!
胡鬧瞎搞 跟哥們一起鬧 Boom ~ Yeah~ Boom ~Let`s get this Party!Crazy!
捍衛男人榮耀 麻煩我來罩 Boom ~ Yeah~ Boom ~ Let`s be the Party boy!