How beautiful the hands that served (如此美好 那雙服事的手)
the wine and the bread and the sons of the earth. (獻上了酒,麵包更服事了地上的人)
How beautiful the feet that walked (如此美好 那雙行路的腳)
the long dusty roads and the hills to the cross. (走過了長長的塵土路,更走上了十架的山)
How beautiful (如此美好)
how beautiful (如此美好)
how beautiful is the body of Christ. (基督的身體是如此的美好)
How beautiful the heart that bled (如此美好 那為我們流出鮮血的心)
that took all my sin and bore it instead. (承受了我所有的罪)
How beautiful the tender eyes (如此美好 那雙溫柔的眼)
that chose to forgive and never despise. (選擇了寬恕,卻棄了鄙視)
How beautiful (如此美好)
how beautiful (如此美好)
how beautiful is the body of Christ. (基督的身體是如此的美好)
And as He laid down His life (當祂獻出自己的生命)
we offer this sacrifice (我們將祂獻上成為贖罪祭)
that we will live just as he died: (因祂的死,我們得以存活)
willing to pay the price (甘心樂意獻上)
willing to pay the price. (甘心樂意獻上)
How beautiful the radient Bride (如此美好 那容光煥發的新娘)
who waits for her Groom with His light in her eyes. (在她的眼中有著亮光 等待著新郎)
How beautiful when humble hearts give (如此美好... 當謙卑的心願意付出)
the fruit of pure lives so that others may live. (那純潔生命的果子,所以我們得以存活)
How beautiful (如此美好)
how beautiful (如此美好)
how beautiful is the body of Christ. (基督的身體是如此的美好)
How beautiful the feet that bring (如此美好 那一雙腳)
the sound of good news and the love of the King. (為我們帶來大好消息,及神對我們的愛)
How beautiful the hands that serve (如此美好 那雙服事的手)
the wine and the bread and the sons of the earth. (獻上了酒,麵包更服事了地上的人)
how beautiful (如此美好)
how beautiful (如此美好)
how beautiful is the body of Christ. (基督的身體是如此的美好)