JUMP for the Girls! Girls!JUMP for the Girls! Girls! 呼叫失戀的女孩 快快快 站出來 不要再自怨自艾 Lalalalala
只打扮給自己看的比賽 辦一晚 讓自戀限期氾濫 Lalalalala 心情就像杯裡的氣泡 High到炸 管他鞋跟到底有幾吋 都沒差 跟上了我的腳步準備好出發 Come on we can jump! Yes we can jump!
女生覺醒愛自己天經地義 熱力風暴就要來襲
全場跟著我準備即刻彈起 J.U.M.P for the Girls! Girls! (OAO) Dance with Me
J.U.M.P for the Girls! Girls! (OAO) Dance with Me
JUMP for the Girls! (Welcome to the Party)
Girls! (Welcome to the Party)
JUMP for the Girls! (Welcome to the Party)
Girls! 四面八方的女孩 趕過來 太精彩 姊妹們的Party Time Lalalalala
如果他打電話來 請跟他 說拜拜 因為他已不重要 Lalalalala
自由就是慶祝的煙花 High到炸 不必要誰又愛來愛去 真浮誇 充滿自信你和我都是Super Star Come on we can jump!
Yes we can jump! Let's get some crazy~