An ideal family reunion lasts from one night to 3 days the most.
These nonstop rainy and cloudy days really bother me a lot.
One man's joy is another man's torture.
Most people think of themselves as objective while being subjective. They subjectively think they're objective.
They often jump to conclusions without even knowing the ABC of the issue.
Me, I am different. My opinions are based on facts and common sense.
I look at things from different angles.
I don't shoot from the hip.
I wonder how many people there are left in this city who like and really know something about music and also enjoy going to a good movie in a theater.
I like civilization, orderliness, spaciousness, and some activities.
So let them live in countryside, small villages or some faraway corners or old rundown seaside towns.
Or let them choose crowded, hasty-paced, noisy and polluted modern metropolises.
I choose to live where I live now, a quiet satellite town of a major Asian city.