(1) No great music without good tunes. Music that lacks good melody is often less attractive if not outright plain and boring. What is or is not melodious is subjective. No way. Mendelssohn's violin concerto is beyond the shadow of a doubt more melodious than that of Beethoven's. Which one of their violin concertos are we talking about? For your information, they each wrote one and only one violin concerto in their entire life. (2) 上星期獲<葛萊美獎 >的一些歌手和曲子在這裡都貼過 就再貼一次... Hey, Soul Sister (Train) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YudKHla9LUY Only Prettier (Miranda Lambert) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xhPQkP6nB3o American Honey (Lady Antebellum) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TEJA7eWPHaU&feature=related 這些若是60/70年代歌曲, 當年照樣會紅, 就像以前的好歌若是近作, 也一樣流行 年紀大的不聽新歌, 年紀輕的不聽老歌, 所以...所以我跟大家都談不攏, 哦咳, 哦咳