1 Do we have to get permission before we recommend someone's work? Let's assume we don't. But I think I'll inform them later. There's a difference between being gifted and hard working though both could lead to amazing results. Here are two iPartment members who write interesting journals, and I think they fall in the category of "gifted". 具天賦, 靠努力, 二者有別, 雖然都可能有不凡成就 有兩位寓主的日記極之有趣, 他們是如假包換的屬具天賦一族 http://www.i-part.com.tw/file/file_viewfile.php?u=2122032 http://www.i-part.com.tw/file/file_viewfile.php?u=2109085
2 On Top Of Old Smokey http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-gz33RzSbcM&feature=related