(1) 我中文打得慢 打英文也快不到那裡去 所以許多時候我還是偏好以語音溝通 (2) 在室外, 到了攝氏10度以下, 嘴脣漸僵, 口齒開始不清 (3) 大前天和北部聖路易市的W通電話 我說...這裡現在攝氏7度, 你們呢? W說...7度, 華氏 那是攝氏零下14度, Ok, 服輸 多年前我在北部讀書, 寒冬之夜, 華氏零下40度, 怕了嗎? 另外, 華氏零下40度, 與攝氏零下40度, 那個較冷? 答案是, 一樣冷 華氏與攝氏只有在一個地方是相等的 那就是零下40度
(4) 壓尾, 少不了來段碎碎唱 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7C3r9PnoNTw&NR=1
Thanks for the info. I was just told that you can do it on iPhone too. But I bet you write with your fingernails instead. They are so long that they re in the way of writing with your fingers.
A big thank you.
This winter snow storms along east coast are probably worse than last year s. But I know you still prefer to be in Philadelphia no matter how deep the snow is. [:#]
Turn on the heater, and you ll be able to laugh. ^^