外二甲, 乙因為整班的學生都參加畢業旅行, 每班分配兩輛遊覽車. 學校規定每輛遊覽車除了導遊之外, 一定要有一位老師隨行. 科主任一定是要隨車的, 因為她是甲班科任老師. 我不是乙班的科任老師, 但是我是乙班的英文檢定和外交小尖兵的指導老師, 所以囉, 就接受他們的邀請一起去畢業旅行了.
當他們來邀請我時, 我還假裝的考慮一整天, 其實心裡面卻是暗自的大大高興著. ![](http://img.i-part.com.tw/images/feelings/feelings_34.gif)
July 3, 2011
There are 182 days till 2012.
Went to see Transformer 3, features some amazing action and short story wise.
July 2, 2011
There are 183 days till 2012.
Went nowhere, just hanged around in my house.
July 1, 2011
There are 184 days till 2012.
The long-awaited summer vacation has come.